FUSION HARMONY by Donovan Seidle aka Dr. D (c) 8/94 My contribution to *************************** * * * Music Contest II * * * *************************** ...took me a couple days to write this one out... I'm still not sure how I managed to do some of the stuff (don't you just love that?) By the way, almost all of the tracks are being used all the time, so it takes a good computer to manage it all. Composed in SCREAM TRACKER 3.0 (Future Crew!! Woo hoo!) Sorry to all those who recognize some samples and don't see any greets to them. NO WORRIES!! |8) Whoops, no stereo effects! (I didn't have much time) ...I don't have much room left... Greets to SPAMAN,FC,TZ, CCCatch, etc. and all the people on the music scene.... ENJOY!